Dancer of the Week- Shavon
Who is Shavon?
I am a person who was born into a world of no hope, negativity, non believers and no support but because of dancing that all turned around.
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Fresno, Ca.
Where are you located?
I'm learning multiple styles of dances which includes ballet contemporary and modern. But the style I started out with and know the most is Hip-Hop.
What does dance mean to you?
Dance isn't an activity it's what my life is based upon. Dancing is what I want to be known and successful for. It represents what I do as an artist.
When did you start dancing?
I started dancing my freshman year in high school when I found out that was my talent. I wasn't good but as soon as a practice or something came around I was always there trying my hardest to get the dance, so the more I did that the better I got at learning faster and executing the dance.
Why did you start dancing?
Dancing is my outlet for any emotion I have, it doesn't matter if I'm happy, sad, mad, or depressed it brings out the inner dancer and it forces me to put my all into anything I'm doing.
What current projects are you currently working on?
I'm currently not working on any projects myself I'm working with an up coming artist known as "Haillie Williams" choreographing and back up dancing for her. I want to start in my own projects as soon as possible.
Instagram: Choreokxng
Twitter: Choreokxng
Facebook: Shavon Woodruff