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Dancer of the Week- Robert Rich

Who is Robert?

An honorable and loving family man. A leader of leaders and still a student of many. I am an entrepreneur. Graduating from Hampton University with honors and a bachelor's degree in Business and Marketing, I am now a working and world renown instructor, choreographer, creative director, event coordinator, and owner of a successful t-shirt clothing line. I am a promised success.

Where are you from?

PHILLY, PHILLY!! Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Born and Raised

Where are you located? Currently living in Los Angeles, California

What style of dance do you do?

I never know how to answer this question. While my roots and training are in Hip Hop, mostly from the streets of Philadelphia (dancing at cookouts, house and block parties) combined with the training I received when I moved to LA six years ago I simply just do what the music tells me to do. For me that is dance a lot of the time. Something that comes naturally when you hear music. So the style I dance is what I feel. I sincerely at times don't know how to label that. It's just dance. But there is always a groove and a feeling. I can't get enough of that. Besides, is there really a style of dance without such?

What does dance mean to you?

Honestly it's an outlet. A way to connect with so many things, my favorite being the ability to tell stories and leave an affect on others. I honestly couldn't live without it. Even if my career choice was business in corporate America. I would still be two-stepping after work at my local social spot.

When did you start dancing?

I started dancing probably like any other person does. The first time I heard music. I have no idea if I was any good then but I'm sure I enjoyed it. Professionally I began training and working in dance after moving to LA in 2008.

Why did you start dancing?

In general because I love music and the way that it makes you feel. When sound controls your body something special happens and when people can appreciate that the magic is born. Professionally I began to dance because I realized that it was something I really enjoyed while some told me that I could make it a career choice, I credit the true reason to the others who doubted that it was ever an option.

How does dancing make you feel?

When I'm dancing I honestly feel free from so many things. I don't have to worry about my problems, issues. or emotions surrounding my daily life. I can take from all of those circumstances (good or bad) and turn them into whatever I need in that moment. Even more so with choreography this option is phenomenal.

What current projects are you currently working on?

Recently I have taken a break from working with artists and television, and put my work efforts into something more dear to my heart. I have successfully launched a global community service project in the form of a training program which encourages dancers everywhere to genuinely support each other in their efforts and dreams in dance but more importantly in life. Consisting of two entities, the RICHBOYZ PROJECT and the RICHGIRL$ PROJECT, the RICHFAM gives opportunities to dancers world-wide while giving them the proper recognition and placing them on platforms they deserve in their communities. The project tours the world in the form of a stage production that auditions in countries where it premieres and also gives sponsorship to selected dancers via auditions on Youtube. It provides the opportunity that involves working with the best choreographers in the industry, visionaries who have choreographed and even danced with A-List artists, tours, television, and films. It is priceless and in the long term life changing. You can travel the world, work with the best and even better on scholarship. In under two years we have had sold out shows in Los Angeles, Italy, Israel, Sweden and are preparing for Spain, Mexico, and Peru. Even in its beginning stages it is affecting dance communities in the world for the better in a great way. Just ask anyone who has experienced a RICHFAM production. More information can be found out at JOINTHERICHFAM.COM.








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