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Dancer of the Week

Who is Moiika?

A Christian Filipina and Jamaican Dancehall Queen

Where are you from?

A small village called Sitio Banaba in Pamanga, Philippines but been in Cali since 3

Where are you located?

Los Angeles, CA

What style of dance do you do?

Dancehall mainly but also AfroCaribbean, Modern and Luturgical.

What does dance mean to you?

Psalms 30:11- Dance is freedom

When did you start dancing?

Technical wise about age 13

Why did you start dancing?

It has always come natural to me as a form of expression since I was a toddler, I would always freestyle and create choreos with me and my siblings.

How does dancing make you feel?


What current projects are you currently working on?

Caribbean Dance Xplosion, my own company, which has a vision of instruction in the native dance of every country in the Caribbean.

Also" Tek Back Dancehall" Workshop which is in its 2n year and will happen this year in November highlighting as a theme Female Unity in Dancehall.

Social media:

Twitter: dancehallclass

IG: dancehallclass


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