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New Dancer of the Week!

Who Is SID?

SID which stands for "Switch I Dance" is a street dancer from Miami Fl. The name Switch IDance came about after high school when I really got into dance.. I started out dancing with different crews, 2 of which were mines. I started learning different styles of HipHop from the different choreographers around Miami and Ft Lauderdale Fl. I was extremely hungry to learn, which showed in every rehearsal and even those random "Hey, Learn This Combo" moments. I learned that to be a great Male Dancer you shouldn't have any boundaries or reasons not to learn and perform. That's when Switch was Born. I believe that not only great Male Dancers but all Great Dancers should be able to Switch between characters and feelings on stage at any givin time. You wanna be able to change emotions as the routine goes and the music changes, the audience should see and feel that Switch in your performance. SID is my Alter Ego, but is also a very big factor in my life. Finding this character inside of me and letting him be free to change me is the reason I'm where I am today! I am SID

Where are you from/Where are you Located?

I was born in Newark New Jersey in 86, and lived there for 10 years, then moved down to Miramar Fl. where I lived for the past 18 years. I currently reside in Orange New Jersey.

What style of Dance do you do?

I've learned over time that my body can adapt to any style. Although HipHop is my Stong point, I also do HipHop Funk, Street Jazz, Contemporary and Contemporary HipHop.

What does Dance mean to you?

Dance is way of Life. It's your Morning, Afternoon and Night. It's a whole new world once you really allow yourself to get into it! It's Free, it's hard, it's competitive, it's Emotional, it's LIFE. Dance is a way of finding yourself and realizing who you are. I do not believe that if I didn't follow my instincts about Dance I would be where I'm at today. Dance Means Everything to me! Most people don't understand, but that's why I Dance.

When did you start dancing?

As far as I can remember I've always been a dancer. I heard lots of stories about how from a baby I couldn't sit still. Growing up I was always the life of the party just going off in the middle of the dance floor. I remember a house party down the street and there was this guy who was a great dancer. But he didn't know me, I had never seen him before but once I got there I shut the party down, lol but it was all fun. I danced harder than everyone I knew growing up, and that passion I had when I was a kid growing up to now, that passion is still at its highest.

Why did you start dancing?

After high school I got a call from my BestFriend saying that she was in this performance with a crew and they needed another male dancer. At the time I was in my first semester of college and only worked a couple days. But, still had allot of free time, so I accepted the offer and that was the start of something that ended up changing, breaking down and restructuring my life. That's when I new it was real.

How does Dancing make you feel?

Dancing enables me to be free. Free to feel sexy, free to be expressive, free to be mad, free to be happy, free to cry. It helps me get through the toughest problems I may be going through. It councils me through movement. Honestly I can find my way out of any situation after I dance, my vision clears, my heart is lifted and I'm able to deal life in a better state of mind. Dance is Life and Life is Dance and without dance to me, life would be so simple. Less interesting on a daily basis. Being able to learn and or teach, the inspiration behind it is so deep. Just being able to inspire someone on another level or be inspired on another level is the most amazing and Humbelig feeling one can have when they are passionate about something. I wouldn't trade this life at all. Even if I end up no where, just being able to Dance through life, literally is the best thing one can ever do!


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