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AtLA Takeova Convention TESTIMONY from FIERCENINJA!!!

Those dancers wanting to know what its like to attend a AtLATakeova Dance Convention. Here is a testimony from the wonderful, talented Ahsia Pettigrew better known as FIERCE NINJA.

In her own words:

I moved out to ATL by myself as a teenager to pursue my dream of being a professional dancer. I had no where to stay...Nothing to eat..And I hardly knew anyone. But the people I did know, like jungleboogie and nah_j and others really helped me out when I needed them. I was there not even a year yet, before Kiki ELy sakinah Lestage, Codie WIggins and Sean Bankhead came up with this amazing series of workshops where I got to connect with other dancers, huge choregoraphers, artists, etc and have so much fun doing it. I could hardly scrape the money together to go to it (Imma be honest) but God wanted me there and He made a way for em to be there. THe second time, they did AtLA I received an award to come to the next ATLA convention on scholarship because these 4 people believed in me! I wont go through my resume but because of some of the people I connected with during this workshop.... I have had the opportunity to tour, choreograph, dance and live my life in many parts of the world!! You can do that too!! #TRILOGY #YOUARETHENEXTSUCESSSSTORY #ATLA #WECOMPOUND #WEENTERTAIN

If you want to be the next success story. GO and register for the convention coming November 7-9, 2014

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